Sampling KIT

Below are examples of our sampling kits, but this is just the beginning. We offer a wide range of options and will work closely with you to select the perfect kit tailored to your sampling campaign’s needs.

Plus, all our kits can be fully customised with your branding to create a seamless and impactful experience!

Freezer Trike Live Sampling

On wheels

Sampling Trike


Refrigerated Trike

ReFRIDGERated trike

Freezer Trike Sampling


4 FT Sampling stations

White 4 ft Sampling Station
Tiki 4 ft Sampling Station
Wooden 4 ft Sampling Station

6 FT Sampling stations

Branded 6 ft Sampling Station
Black Branded 6 ft Sampling Station
Wooden 6 ft Sampling Station

book an Expert Sampling Consultation